Living and marketing in a new world

working from home
By Renee DeLaune   |   September 29, 2020

Since last February, it hasn’t been news to say that we’re living in a new world.

Some of this newness is obvious. Working from home. Less (if any) business travel. New safety precautions at physical business locations.

But there’s something else to consider—something that isn’t as obvious as physical change. And this is the way your business talks to your clients.

Marketing is different now

So as your company’s business returns to a new normal,

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Digital marketing: Align your strategy, brand and message

By Tim Lord   |   December 12, 2018

strategy diagramstrategy diagram

Every once in a while, I hear someone put the em-PHA-sis on the wrong syl-LA-ble, and it distracts me to the point where I miss the meaning. The lesson? Messages need to be clear and delivered correctly. (With bonus points for brevity!)

Your name in lights

Similar disconnects happen when an organization’s digital marketing messages clash with its established brand. It’s something people know when they see it.

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