Trying to Be Cool Can Lead to PR Blunders

In a social media-saturated world, companies sometimes try too hard, think too little, and fall on their faces.  Last year saw a wide variety of examples of companies committing PR blunders as they tweeted, hash tagged, and self-promoted their way onto a wall of PR shame.  But you can learn from their mistakes, and avoid … Read more

Superbowl 2015 Ads

Each year, millions watch the SuperBowl, eagerly anticipating the expensive ads. At $4.5 million for a 30 second spot, did this year’s crop meet expectations? If you’re a 45-year-old mom, the answer is probably “yes” as I propose 2015 to be “The Year of the ‘Mom-Ad’ Superbowl.” Usually, we see beer and cars advertised heavily, … Read more