Things May Never Be the Same

Woman working from home with cat
By Amy Valentine   |   October 22, 2020

The more things change, the more they stay the same goes the old adage. However, for people learning a whole new set of workplace practices while working from home, nothing may ever be the same again.

When the Covid-19 pandemic forced many people to remote officing last spring, many adaptations were necessary. Now, looking at how business practices have changed, the “new normal” may become the “everyday normal,” even years in the future.

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Communicating during a Crisis

communication and teamwork in lightbulb images
By Amy Valentine   |   July 16, 2020

Three key markets need to hear from you

As marketers, it’s time to adjust our company’s marketing plans for the world we are in now, not the world we used to live in or the one we wish we were in.

The rules that apply to basic tasks like grocery shopping and dining out don’t apply anymore. So, why would our marketing tactics remain the same?

Communication is the main job of the marketing department under regular circumstances.

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Be the Best in Google’s Eyes

Artistic Eyes
By Amy Valentine   |   May 15, 2020

Did you know that of all the millions of Google searches each day, they fall into just three basic types?

And those searches help define how Google looks at your website and can impact what visitors Google directs to your site.

Navigational, Informational, Transactional

  1. Navigational: when someone searches for “ESPN” by name, for example. Google sends the web visitor to the ESPN website. This is a very basic “where is this site” search.
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Reach Out and Touch Someone (digitally of course)

finger pushing action button
By Amy Valentine   |   May 7, 2020

Does your website have an easy way to engage with potential customers?

“A Call-to-Action (CTA) is the best way to get website visitors to interact with you,” says Jeff Rose, DeLaune’s SEO and website specialist.

A button saying something like Download White Paper, Call Now, or Contact Us for More Information will entice visitors into buying or sending you their contact information so they can turn into a lead.

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To Gate or Not to Gate? That is the Question

funnel representing the sales cycle
By Amy Valentine   |   April 20, 2020

How easily can website visitors download content?

An ongoing debate in the wonderful world of website content management is whether or not marketers should “gate” downloadable content.

How much information do you require from an interested visitor before allowing them to download a document on your website?

“I’m always a fan of gating content,” says Jeff Rose, DeLaune’s website and SEO specialist.

“If someone is interested enough in your products or services to download a brochure,

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Working from home in the days of coronavirus

working from home
By Amy Valentine   |   March 19, 2020

“Stay home.” Most American workers in non-essential jobs got that message late last week or early this week. They join the millions of workers in China, South Korea, Italy and North America who have had to discover the joys and pains of working remotely as concerns about coronavirus spread throughout the world.

At DeLaune, we have found working remotely a plus, using Zoom and Teams conferencing to continue to have face-to-face interactions with co-workers and clients.

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Video Killed the Radio Star

Lean in to 5G connectivity video clip
Lean in to 5G connectivity video clip
By Amy Valentine   |   March 12, 2020

When MTV first began, it seemed like every other music video was the Buggles’ one-hit wonder, Video Killed the Radio Star. Back then, there were a limited number of music videos available, so audiences saw the same videos on repeat.

Commercial videos were used more for television advertising and had the budgets and the production quality of big budget movies. Then, videos began changing as technology advanced. With the advent of our modern digital world,

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5 rules for sending the right message online

Coffee shop meeting
By Amy Valentine   |   January 16, 2020

Victoria Turk, a seasoned writer and editor for publications like Wired and Motherboard, has some sage advice about being polite in a place where courtesy sometimes seems like the exception: online. In email, or on social media, it’s easy to misread others, or to be misread.

The Golden Rule in full effect

Here are five concrete suggestions that not only might make people happier to read your emails (or texts,

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DeLaune Wins Three Communicator Awards

Winning hands holding a trophy
By Amy Valentine   |   May 13, 2019

World-renowned International Competition Receives 6,000 Entries Annually

AUSTIN, TX—DeLaune and Associates, an Austin-based digital marketing firm specializing in technology, has won three awards in the 2019 Communicator Awards, an international competition that recognizes outstanding creative achievement by marketing and communication professionals.

DeLaune was awarded three awards of distinction for two e-books and a stand-alone infographic produced for IBM, Atos, and Siemens:

IBM—The essential buyer’s guide to data capture and automation (e-book)

Atos—Internet of Things Infographic (Individual infographic)

Siemens—Reliable Power (e-book)

“It’s truly an honor to be recognized for our work,” said Renee DeLaune,

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Digital marketing asset risks: Churn, churn, churn  

Bottle of milk with glass
By Amy Valentine   |   January 30, 2019

Friction.” “The game of telephone.” “Paralysis by analysis.” In a business context, they can all amount to the same things: frustration and delay.

For any marketing project involving more than one person—which is another way of saying for any and every project—it’s all too easy to get caught up in the churn. Creating digital marketing assets is no exception.

How to work more efficiently with your team

At DeLaune,

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