Mobile devices are just like computers, right?

Mobile devices are just like computers, right?  Only smaller? Hardly.  And that means how people interact with your website on a smartphone or tablet is very different from how they do it on their computers. The way your site looks, how it navigates and how it reads needs to change—the rules about web readability don’t … Read more

In telling your story, know your audience

It’s a basic, but important, lesson: In telling your story, know your audience. When I taught “Introduction to Mass Communications,” the 101-level survey course at a college, I’d open the class for the first few weeks by writing large on the blackboard: “Who is your audience?” This is important in any communication. If you don’t … Read more

How We Spend Our Money

New Trends in Consumer Spending Can Challenge Retailers and Others Quick question:  This year, when people have charged a jewelry purchase on their MasterCards, what was the average price?  Any guesses?  $250?  $750?  $1,000?  How about $2,400? It’s not 2008 anymore—or even 2012—and data at the recent Global Retailing Conference showed that consumers are spending … Read more