Partner marketing can yield impressive results. Put one company that has great products together with another that has close client relationships and you’ve got the elements of a winning team. But as with any team, you need coordination. Think of rowing. Everyone has to be aiming for the same goal. And everyone has to pull together.
Reaching the finishing line can be even more difficult when the winds of change are blowing. Think about technology.
Here at DeLaune and Associates, we are constantly writing about the steady rise of cyber-security threats. Our ears perk up when a major online retailer warns its users to change their passwords, or the local news says to refrain from using a specific browser. In our recent work with the IBM X-Force research and development team, we even learned that spam threats are alive and well—and that March 2014 marked the return of the highest levels of spam measured during the past two and half years.
America is in the midst of two major changes that will dramatically affect the services companies offer and how they promote those services or business. A lot has been said about the graying of America as baby boomers age. But America isn’t just becoming gray—it’s becoming a rainbow. And companies will need to decide how both their advertising and their products are going to appeal to that rainbow.
The PewResearchCenter has released a new book that explores these changes,