Partner marketing can yield impressive results. Put one company that has great products together with another that has close client relationships and you’ve got the elements of a winning team. But as with any team, you need coordination. Think of rowing. Everyone has to be aiming for the same goal. And everyone has to pull together.
Reaching the finishing line can be even more difficult when the winds of change are blowing. Think about technology. Today’s key influencers are no longer just in IT. They’re on the business side as well. And to reach them, partner companies need new ways to approach how they market their solutions.
A few years back, DeLaune and Associates teamed with Brian Silverman, a seasoned sales and marketing professional with more than 24 years’ experience with IBM—including many years working with channel partners. Building on Brian’s expertise, we created a process and a workshop to help IBM Business Partners develop unique solution-focused marketing plans.
Brian calls himself a “marketing therapist,” but what he does is not just theory and it’s not all talk. He has helped many partners to focus on turning change into opportunity, to realize increased value of the IBM Business Partner relationship, and to steer toward measurable results.
And it’s not over when everyone goes home. A DeLaune workshop includes five ongoing checkpoint sessions to help partners execute the plan and make any necessary changes.
Want to know more? We would be happy to answer any questions you might have about the workshop process. Simply send an email to, and we’ll talk about what a workshop can do for you!
By Renee DeLaune