Covid crisis brings out the best in some business leaders
As an advertising firm, we play a peripheral role in people’s businesses and their lives. We have a front row seat when sales revenues are good and when they’re not.
A test of professional hardiness
In the last few months, I have seen more character and more determination in the faces of clients and family than I have ever seen before. Keeping a business or entity up and running during COVID-19 has become a test of professional hardiness.
While the pandemic has focused the spotlight on the front line healthcare, emergency and essential workers, (and rightfully so for their dedication and hard work), these times have also brought to light another type of hero: business leaders who are rising to the challenge and showing their employees leadership in these tough times.
Leaders setting an example
Here are just a few examples: A general manager for a manufacturing facility has created two production shifts to keep employees safe. The GM shows up before dawn to let the first shift into the plant and locks up after the last shift leaves in the evening.
He is concerned with keeping his employees busy and keeping himself healthy as he realizes he is the linchpin, keeping morale up and production moving. He continues to put one foot in front of the other, determined to keep going and keep his business up and running.
Keeping employees working
Here in Texas, state agencies are struggling with remote working environments – many for the first time ever. The technology headaches for an entire agency working remotely, quickly, is monumental. I know. I live with the executive director of a state agency.
For the first time in 30 years, my government employee spouse is pivoting, figuring out how his employees can keep their jobs while working from home. He’s checking his phone early in the morning and before he goes to bed, working harder than he ever has in his life.
What’s driving these people to extraordinary efforts? I think it’s tenacity and a real caring for the people they’re responsible for.
How can we learn from them and the heroes in our own lives?
To me the single most important quality is determination. To get up every morning and be clear about what you are doing and why. Not every day will be a great day, but there will be more great days if you take ownership of your experience.
Be flexible. Not everything will work out as you planned. Let’s face it. Some days nothing goes according to plan. See what you can make of the circumstances you get.
Be Positive
Keep a positive frame of mind. In the face of uncertainty around the global pandemic, it’s natural to have some bad days or anxious thoughts. But, if you can nurture a positive outlook, that will come through with everyone you interact with and influence your own experience.
Help Others
Reach out to help someone else – it’s not all about getting ahead. Through social media such as LinkedIn, you might be able to provide moral support to someone who has lost their job – or provide a connection to someone else in your network who is looking to hire.
Gratitude Wins the Day
Be grateful for what you do have. Remember the good things in your life such as your health, a job, a roof over your head and food on the table. It’s good to thank and recognize all the heroes in our lives these days, even those who may not wear the usual face of a hero.
What a great blog Renee. There are many acts of heroism every day that we seldom hear about. This is a great reminder of that along with some good advice!
Thank you Jason! Yes, I admire so many people rising up during a crisis.