Austin: A hubstantial data security center

  The Austin American-Statesman says that whether Austin is fit to be called a cybersecurity hub depends on who you ask. We think that Austin’s clearly arrived on that front already—partly because of the kind of companies and organizations the paper highlights, including Jask, SailPoint, and the U.S. Army’s Futures Command HQ, and partly because … Read more

Has Social Marketing Replaced In-Person Meetings?

Meet me in Las Vegas!  Can Digital and Social marketing replace in-person meetings and events? We all live accelerated lives. We are emailing for work, for home, for school. We log onto Facebook and Twitter to share our days. We are so busy with social media that when we hear the digital marketing experts talk … Read more

The race goes better when partners pull together

Partner marketing can yield impressive results. Put one company that has great products together with another that has close client relationships and you’ve got the elements of a winning team. But as with any team, you need coordination. Think of rowing. Everyone has to be aiming for the same goal. And everyone has to pull … Read more