This is your brain on spellcheck. Embarrassing typos in the age of autocorrect.

We’ve all seen them. And despite our best intentions, we’ve all made them. Like it or not, typos are a fact of written communication. They sneak into our writing while we’re not looking—or while we’re looking too hard—and scatter random double words, transposed letters, missing punctuation and a host of other embarrassing mistakes in their … Read more

Order up! Picking the medium that's right for your message

I’ve been reading One Summer: America 1927, the new book by Bill Bryson with a wonderful message. A lot of big things happened that year, from Charles Lindbergh’s trans-Atlantic flight to Babe Ruth’s 60 home runs to the first dynamite blasts carving Mount Rushmore. People went crazy for these feats. Lindbergh could barely go out … Read more

The brilliance of a simple idea

by Sara Rider Sometimes in the world of marketing, we search long and hard for a promotional idea that we think will be truly remarkable for our clients.  This can lead to lengthy brainstorming sessions—and sometimes frayed tempers (remember:  there is no bad idea in a brainstorming session!)  But great ideas are out there—you just … Read more

Is Social Media More than Cute Cats and Dogs?

Having a preteen in the house means I’m bombarded by the after effects of various companies’ social media marketing – especially if it involves cute animals. For example, a video posted by buzzfeed and making the rounds of the older elementary and middle school set is a TidyCats Lightweight Kitty Litter social media play. The … Read more

Abbreviations, acronyms, and alphabet soup

by Sara Richardson It’s fairly common to shorten names. We watch “TV” these days, rather than “television.” We call our Williams “Bill” and our Katherines “Kat.” We can dial up AAA for roadside assistance, withdraw funds from an ATM, stop by an HEB on our way home, and cook our dinner with PAM. If something … Read more

Are companies going for the gold with Olympics advertising?

by Amy Valentine The contrast between the two main sporting events of winter 2014, the Superbowl and the Winter Olympics, provides a great opportunity to compare the ads companies choose to run. Businesses know that they have a great chance to reach a huge target audience with both events. While the Superbowl is a one-time … Read more