Avoid the zone-out zone: make live events work online

 When we asked clients and business allies about the marketing tactics that are working in 2019, they told us that live, in-person events are an invaluable source of leads—often the most valuable—whether they’re offering software, hardware, or services. “But it’s not just a black and white question,” says Megan Tederick, Senior Manager, Product Marketing & … Read more

Getting the most from your live events

In today’s digital world, your company’s website is an online billboard and storefront that’s open 24/7. In an ongoing survey with DeLaune clients and contacts, we found that many enterprises’ most valuable leads spring from live events. One respondent noted that after taking part in this year’s RSA and CES conferences, her company “came away … Read more

Highest-returning marketing tactics? What clients are saying in 2019

Today a business has huge choice in how to spend its marketing dollars. As we end the first half of the year at DeLaune, we wanted to know which marketing tactics are generating the highest return in 2019. Will you follow the digital trend and focus on social media? Are traditional tactics such as webinars … Read more

Searching for enterprise data? Have a little trust

Remember life before Google? Even when information existed in digital form somewhere, searching for it was mostly a manual process. Rereading David Weinberger’s 2007 Everything is Miscellaneous made me think about how far we’ve come to address search in the modern age, and how far there is to go. It’s around here. Somewhere. Searching network … Read more

Crafting the story for stealth-mode startups

In 2012, Shaku Selvakumar  took the kind of step that entrepreneurs live for: She stepped out of a successful marketing career at IBM to help guide the growth of a stealth-mode startup. That startup, CognitiveScale, took a hint from its own name: Shaku started as employee number five; the headcount now is over 150. I … Read more

Austin: A hubstantial data security center

  The Austin American-Statesman says that whether Austin is fit to be called a cybersecurity hub depends on who you ask. We think that Austin’s clearly arrived on that front already—partly because of the kind of companies and organizations the paper highlights, including Jask, SailPoint, and the U.S. Army’s Futures Command HQ, and partly because … Read more

Digital marketing assets: In-house or outsource?

At DeLaune, we specialize in creating benefit-driven digital marketing assets, and we pride ourselves on it. We’d be happy to help you craft a new infographic, a buyer’s guide, or a series of in-depth white papers. But every organization has a different set of needs. So it makes sense to ask: Are you keeping the … Read more

Confusion, ignorance, stupidity or fraud?

Imagine what would happen if you lost your most important work password—and everything it protected—with no chance of retrieval. Your data? Just “poof”—gone! How much would it cost your company? What if it were well over $100 million? Because that’s what just happened to Canadian crypto-currency exchange QuadrigaCX with the apparent death of its CEO, … Read more

Keeping private data private: Sometimes, it’s harder than rocket science

In late December of last year, the news emerged that on October 23rd, NASA had discovered a data breach that may have exposed personal data (such as Social Security numbers) associated with current and former NASA employees. How does such a thing happen? The folks at NASA are smart and hardworking; they know how to … Read more