Getting the most from your live events

For direct connection to prospects and customers, nothing tops in-person live events.
By Tim Lord   |   July 26, 2019

In today’s digital world, your company’s website is an online billboard and storefront that’s open 24/7. In an ongoing survey with DeLaune clients and contacts, we found that many enterprises’ most valuable leads spring from live events.

One respondent noted that after taking part in this year’s RSA and CES conferences, her company “came away with some solid leads as well as an invitation to do a briefing for Gartner,” saying “[As] a start-up,

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Highest-returning marketing tactics? What clients are saying in 2019

Business conversation
By Tim Lord   |   June 28, 2019

Today a business has huge choice in how to spend its marketing dollars.

As we end the first half of the year at DeLaune, we wanted to know which marketing tactics are generating the highest return in 2019.

Will you follow the digital trend and focus on social media?

Are traditional tactics such as webinars and email campaigns back in vogue?

Are trade shows more about swag than actual leads?

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