Austin: A hubstantial data security center

  The Austin American-Statesman says that whether Austin is fit to be called a cybersecurity hub depends on who you ask. We think that Austin’s clearly arrived on that front already—partly because of the kind of companies and organizations the paper highlights, including Jask, SailPoint, and the U.S. Army’s Futures Command HQ, and partly because … Read more

The importance of relaying the business value in technology

It’s an exciting time to be a technology writer—and to be working with clients who are at the forefront of the technology they’re offering. Having the opportunity to help our clients tell their stories in meaningful ways is a privilege—and a challenge. That’s because marketing-focused technology content has shifted in recent years. It wasn’t always … Read more

Technology and toys, two of the places creativity comes from

You’ll sometimes hear a poorly functioning tablet computer criticized as nothing more than a “glorified Etch A Sketch.” But that does a disservice to the classic toy. With more than 100 million of the silver-screen drawing devices sold since its introduction in 1960, it must be doing something right. I owned an Etch A Sketch … Read more