Order up! Picking the medium that's right for your message

I’ve been reading One Summer: America 1927, the new book by Bill Bryson with a wonderful message. A lot of big things happened that year, from Charles Lindbergh’s trans-Atlantic flight to Babe Ruth’s 60 home runs to the first dynamite blasts carving Mount Rushmore. People went crazy for these feats. Lindbergh could barely go out … Read more

The brilliance of a simple idea

by Sara Rider Sometimes in the world of marketing, we search long and hard for a promotional idea that we think will be truly remarkable for our clients.  This can lead to lengthy brainstorming sessions—and sometimes frayed tempers (remember:  there is no bad idea in a brainstorming session!)  But great ideas are out there—you just … Read more

Is Social Media More than Cute Cats and Dogs?

Having a preteen in the house means I’m bombarded by the after effects of various companies’ social media marketing – especially if it involves cute animals. For example, a video posted by buzzfeed and making the rounds of the older elementary and middle school set is a TidyCats Lightweight Kitty Litter social media play. The … Read more