Digital marketing assets: Three can’t-ignore rules for white papers

By Renee DeLaune   |   January 18, 2019

At a technology-focused agency like DeLaune, we’re called on to create a lot of digital marketing assets. That means we think a lot about the ideal form of different collateral types—and white papers are a good example.

Focused, practical and digestible

The most defining characteristic of white papers is that they’re focused, practical, and digestible. Whatever their topic, even in the world of information-laden digital marketing assets,

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How do your digital marketing assets portray your benefits?

By Jay Bretzmann   |   January 15, 2019

As a young writer, the parable of the blind men encountering an elephant made an impression on me. The story is all about how someone without sight would interpret a being they encounter. Divorced a bit from reality by their lack of sight, the blind men had to rely on what they could feel.

First-time visitors to your website

Something similar happens when visitors visit your website for the first time—no matter that they can see and read.

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This year’s big security threats—sort of

By Tim Lord   |   January 8, 2019

If you’re inclined to ease into the new year with some IT security predictions for 2019, there’s no shortage:

Here are 10 from Tech Radar, five more from Security Boulevard, and another four from BetaNews. (I prefer TechCrunch’s snarkier approach.)

Are you selling the right data security basics?

The kicker is that even though there are new and more complex threats each year to keep up with,

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I want a digital marketing campaign: what do I need and when can I get it?

By Jay Bretzmann   |   December 21, 2018

Selling complex tech is always loaded with uncertainty, but some things are constant.

One is that your first step has to be catching someone’s interest. The best start is to tell a potential customer what you do and then ask for a sale. If that doesn’t work, tell them something else cool about you and ask for a sale.

And if that doesn’t work, your message might be off course.

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