5 rules for sending the right message online

Coffee shop meeting
By Amy Valentine   |   January 16, 2020

Victoria Turk, a seasoned writer and editor for publications like Wired and Motherboard, has some sage advice about being polite in a place where courtesy sometimes seems like the exception: online. In email, or on social media, it’s easy to misread others, or to be misread.

The Golden Rule in full effect

Here are five concrete suggestions that not only might make people happier to read your emails (or texts,

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An easy way to magnify your digital marketing assets: Be pleasant

Emoji signs
By Tim Lord   |   January 22, 2019

Being friendly and approachable is a small and easy thing, but it makes a huge difference, and it costs you nothing besides some thought.

Replies welcome

One company I admire, multi-factor access specialists Duo Security, sent a corporate email the other day that had a standout feature among digital marketing assets.

Instead of the too-often-seen disclaimer along the lines of “Replies to this email address will not be read” and an email address like “DO-NOT-REPLY@big-faceless-corp.com”—Gee,

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