Confusion, ignorance, stupidity or fraud?

Imagine what would happen if you lost your most important work password—and everything it protected—with no chance of retrieval. Your data? Just “poof”—gone! How much would it cost your company? What if it were well over $100 million? Because that’s what just happened to Canadian crypto-currency exchange QuadrigaCX with the apparent death of its CEO, … Read more

How We Spend Our Money

New Trends in Consumer Spending Can Challenge Retailers and Others Quick question:  This year, when people have charged a jewelry purchase on their MasterCards, what was the average price?  Any guesses?  $250?  $750?  $1,000?  How about $2,400? It’s not 2008 anymore—or even 2012—and data at the recent Global Retailing Conference showed that consumers are spending … Read more