Guarding against mobile malware

Cell phone
By Ernie Wood   |   March 17, 2014

by Ernie Wood

One of the tricks of the trade here at DeLaune and Associates is knowing how to convey a message to an audience that is not us. In our technical marketing for IBM, for example, are we writing for the chief security officer of a Fortune 500 corporation? Yes, that’s often the target. Are we writing for ourselves at home trying to keep viruses and malware off our laptops? Not so much.

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Today, writing about technology is no longer elementary

Benedict Cumberbatch
By Ernie Wood   |   February 5, 2014

A recent online article noting that the BBC television show Sherlock, now airing on PBS, “is not a detective show, but rather a show about a detective” reminded me of the writing we do here at DeLaune and Associates. Because in our work for technology companies, we’re not producing technical writing, but rather writing about technology.

Now, Sherlock Holmes certainly does his detecting and we’ve certainly done technical writing.

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