“Friction.” “The game of telephone.” “Paralysis by analysis.” In a business context, they can all amount to the same things: frustration and delay.
For any marketing project involving more than one person—which is another way of saying for any and every project—it’s all too easy to get caught up in the churn. Creating digital marketing assets is no exception.
How to work more efficiently with your team
At DeLaune, our system relies on experienced project managers who guide the team through each project. Sometimes a product launch date moves up to meet a competitor head-on; or an existing product gets an overhaul that takes longer than anticipated.
The emails and meetings can pile up. The back and forth—what we not-so-affectionately call churn—can choke the real work being done.
Project managers help prioritize work according to deadlines and messaging shifts, whether they occur throughout the month, or by the day.
That’s tricky—especially in the technology marketing world, where every project has multiple moving parts. There’s copywriting. There’s design. There’s editing. For digital projects, there may be programming, testing, and iteration.
Unmanaged, that can eat into both the budget and the project schedule. So, minimizing that churn is imperative. Here are five best practices we try to follow for cleaner, tighter projects:
Start with a roadmap
When a new project launches, it’s vital to set the goalposts in place. Lay out a concise, concrete summary that conveys the scope of the project (e.g., six-page interactive white paper), the deadline, and any mandatory elements (such as the right call to action or a compelling case study). Just as important, note up-front the elements that you need (such as the results of a survey still in progress). This becomes your roadmap.
Send emails judiciously
Not every email requires a “reply-all” response. Do six people really need to stop what they’re doing and read about a minor update? Often a simple instant message or a 30-second phone call works.
Don’t reinvent—if you don’t have to
Most projects don’t require a start-from-scratch approach. There’s no shame in starting from a successful template. The more time spent creating the things that matter, the more efficient the process.
Avoid wheel-spinning
If a project hits a roadblock, don’t stay stuck. Ask for help. Reconvene with the team to get new or different ideas. Sharing a work in progress can be a good way to check in and make sure everyone is on the right track.
Only call a meeting when needed
You can’t avoid meetings. You’ll need them for brainstorming, to discuss progress internally, for agency-client discussions, to go over checkpoints, and to confer with subject matter experts. But avoid gathering the troops unless it’s absolutely necessary. Remember: When people are in meetings, they’re not getting the tactical work done.
What are your best practices for avoiding churn? We’d love to hear from you!
DeLaune and Associates gets technology marketing. We’re always ready to partner with technology leaders to craft digital marketing assets. Click here to get started!