Imagine what would happen if you lost your most important work password—and everything it protected—with no chance of retrieval. Your data? Just “poof”—gone! How much would it cost your company? What if it were well over $100 million? Because that’s what just happened to Canadian crypto-currency exchange QuadrigaCX with the apparent death of its CEO, Gerald Cotten. A high price to pay for poor security practices.
A sad lesson
It’s clear that no one in the company instituted proper Identity Governance Administration (IGA) practices.
In late December of last year, the news emerged that on October 23rd, NASA had discovered a data breach that may have exposed personal data (such as Social Security numbers) associated with current and former NASA employees.
How does such a thing happen? The folks at NASA are smart and hardworking; they know how to make systems about as bullet-proof and reliable as any ever devised, and they’re no pushovers about IT security,
What is the biggest lie of all time? There are a lot of jokes about this. But I’ve often wondered whether the big lie might be a statement that’s usually not on the list:
“Build it and they will come.”
It made for a great movie. But in marketing and selling your company’s products, not so much—especially if you fail to emphasize the user benefits within your digital marketing assets.